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Photos from "The Butterfly Effect": the contemporary art exhibition with over 55,000 spectators at the Butterfly Textile Factory

October 17, 2023

Photographic tribute to the works of 41 artists in the contemporary art exhibition "the Butterfly Effect" curated by Kostas Prapoglou

Text: ελc team

More than fifty-five thousand (55,000) visitors have had the opportunity to tour the numerous spaces of the "Butterfly" textile complex and see the works of 41 artists participating in the exhibition of contemporary art entitled the Butterfly Effect, curated by Kostas Prapoglou.


The exhibition, a production of the urban non-profit organization artefact athens, will conclude its cycle on Sunday, October 22.

Ada Petranaki, Antennas (2023)

Alison Woods, Chrysalis (2023)

Alison Woods, Chrysalis Detail (2023)

Christina Anid, Vortex (2023)

Christina Anid, Vortex Detail (2023)

Christina Anid, Vortex (2023)

Annita Kalimeri, Smoking Pillars (2023)

Annita Kalimeri, Smoking Pillars (2023)

Anna Antarti, Heavy-duty (2023)

Dimitra Skandali, weaving the valleys of love (2023)

The historical textile factory "Klataloudas Petaloudas-Mouzakis" was founded by Eleftherios Mouzakis in 1944 and operates continuously until today. The exhibition takes place in various buildings of the factory and hopes to highlight its history, which is inextricably linked to the industrial history of Greece.  


The industrial environment with its intense retro-futuristic character inspires the participating artists and puts the visitors in a condition where the real and the imaginary interact and interact.


Taking into account the geographical stigma of the wider area of the factory premises, which is identified with the axis of the ancient procession of the Eleusinian Mysteries on the Sacred Way, the exhibition brings the art-loving public close to meanings of inner exploration, existential quests and emotional uplift.


The physical existence of yarn as a raw material and as a derivative/product in countless forms, is a reference of a tradition and a national identity on multiple levels. It forms and signifies geographical identifications on a physical and meta-physical level, while also acting as a springboard for emotional associations. These elements concern visual artists and constitute one of the main denominators of their repertoire.


The conceptual axis involves a poetic and allegorical metaphorical metaphor of the butterfly effect, which lends its name to the title of the exhibition. It connotes the fact that an infinitesimal change in the flow of events leads, after the passage of time, to a development of history dramatically different from the one that would have taken place if the change had not occurred.


The viewer is transported into a world where architecture, machines, spinning machines and multimedia artworks coexist harmoniously and develop an active dialogue with space-time, while weaving a link between Art and Business. Having the opportunity to be in these spaces, the audience will reflect, among other things, on the prospect of reindustrialization and the strengthening of domestic production and the collective benefit that could result from this development.


The human resources, the families that worked in this place are also an important but symbolic parameter that undoubtedly establishes a further condition for exploring and celebrating the role of industry.


Curator Kostas Prapoglou invites forty-one contemporary artists to present works that are site-specific and context-responsive, using their visual, multimedia vocabulary to create site-specific installations, videos, sculptures, soundscapes and paintings.

Storage spaces, machine rooms, corridors and passages form a stream of consciousness and emotional pathway.

Theodore Noutsos, Threads of New Life (2023)

Susan Daboll, Iterations (2023)

Susan Daboll, Iterations (2023)

Stella Meletopoulou, Constellations (2023)

Franca Sonnino and Maria Jole Serreli, Cocoon (2023) – the installation incorporates Franca Sonnino’s Brandelli di Rete (1985)

Sandra Osborne, Some Notes on Urns, or What I Can Tell You About Butterflies (2023)

Pipilotti Rist, I Want to See How You See (or a Portrait of Cornelia Providoli) (2003)

Nikos Tranos, Torball / wallpaper for the blind (1997-2023)

Michal Heiman, The Affecting History of Louisa, The Wandering Maniac (2023)

Marianne Strapatsakis, FLIGHT OF LIFE (2023), three-channel video projection, sound [6’20’’]

Marianna Constanti, Complexions (2023)

Claire Tsalouchidis - Hadjiminas, Lot’s wife (2023)

Maria Loizidou, Drawings: The game of thread | Fixing the ephemeral (2023)

Maria Α. Chatzinikolaou, Thread of Line (2023)

Maria Α. Chatzinikolaou, Thread of Line (2023)

Manolis Baboussis, Debates I, II (2023)

Lydia Dambassina, We lost our money but not our taste (2023)

Lydia Andrioti, A structure on pain and light (2023)

Lea Petrou, Super-X (2023)

Lea Petrou, Super-X Detail (2023)

Klitsa Antoniou, The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories (2023)

Kiana Honarmand, Aab (2023)

Kiana Honarmand, Aab (2023)

Ismini Samanidi, How to Build a Universe (2023)

Irini Gonou, Ritual Cloths (2023)

Irene Carvajal, The Weight of Dreams (2023)

Irene Carvajal, The Weight of Dreams Detail  (2023)

Iliodora Margellos, Deliverance (2023)

Iliodora Margellos, Deliverance (2023)

Evi Savvaidi, Soundless invasion (2023)

Eva Nathena, Caller Unknown (2023)

Eva Nathena, Caller Unknown Detail (2023)

Eozen Agopian, In Process Twice (2014-2023)

Eleni Zouni, Echoes of the Future I-II-III (2023)

Eleni Zouni, Echoes of the Future I-II-III (2023)

Eleni Zouni, Echoes of the Future I-II-III (2023)

Dimitris Skourogiannis, The Birth of Venus (2023)

Dimitra Skandali, weaving the valleys of love (2023)

Dimitra Skandali, weaving the valleys of love (2023)

Participating Artists

Eozen Agopian (Greece), Lydia Andrioti (Greece), Christina Anid (France/Greece/Lebanon), Anna Antarti (Greece), KlitsaAntoniou (Cyprus), Ruth Asawa (America), Orit Ben Shitrit (Israel/USA/Morocco), Robert Cahen (France), Irene Carvajal (Costa Rica/America), Irini Gonou (Greece), Susan Daboll (America), Lydia Dambasina (Greece), Sophia Zarari (Greece), Eleni Zouni (Greece), Michal Heiman (Israel), Kiana Honarmand (Iran/America), Pushpakaran Kadappath (India), Anita Kalimeri (Greece), Marianna Konstantis (Cyprus), Maria Loizidou (Cyprus), Iliodora Margelou (Greece), Despina Meimaroglou (Greece), Stella Meletopoulou (Greece), Manolis Babousis (Greece), Eva Nathena (Greece), Theodoros Noutsos (Greece), Sandra Osborne (America), Ada Petranaki (Greece), Leah Petrou (Greece), Pipilotti Rist (Switzerland), Evi Savvaidi (Greece), Ismeni Samanidi (England/Greece), Dimitra Skandali (Greece), Dimitris Skourogiannis (Greece), Franca Sonnino & Maria Jole Serreli (Italy), Marianna Strapatsaki (Greece), Nikos Tranos (Greece), Claire Tsalouchidou - Chatzimina (Greece), Alison Woods (USA), Maria Andromachi Chatzinikolaou (Greece).

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